
Mello Music+ The value of Free vs Premium

Problem Space

Mello, a music streaming app launched by a startup two years ago, has grown its user base using a freemium model. Now, they want to design an experience that encourages users to subscribe and pay a monthly fee.

Achieving Goals & Project Details

To achieve this goal, I conducted a project plan, including phases like Discovery, Research, Design, and Validation. Researching the music streaming space involved speaking to users, examining their habits, preferences, and reasons for subscribing to premium services. Several key insights emerged from this research.

In addition, I found relevant papers on consumer behavior related to premium subscriptions:

1. “Value for money” was the primary driver of new subscriptions.
2. Peer influence and user activity in the community increased the likelihood of upgrading to premium.
3. Habit, performance expectancy, and price were important factors influencing users’ decision to upgrade.

Preview of Home Screen

Onboarding – 2

Price Point Screen

Top Trending

Placement of the Premium SignUp Button

Based on this research, I identified four potential places to put the upgrade button:

1. In the sign-up flow during registration.
2. As a button while users explore the platform.
3. Offering a free trial as a conversion point for premium signups.
4. When accessing premium features with limited access in the free version.

Aiming for a Higher Quality Freemium Experience

Low-Fidelity Insights & Plans

I created low-fidelity screens and conducted usability tests to gather insights. The findings included:

1.The Premium button on the Home screen was too prominent and should be adjusted.
2. A revised sign-up flow comparing tiered plans was useful for users.
3. Premium features complemented the free experience and added value.
4. Discreetly placing the Premium button inside a menu encouraged users to explore free features.
5. Minimizing intrusive ads improved user experience and increased premium conversions.
6. Rewarding users with credits for premium features improved their reaction to blocking content.

Home Screen Low-Fidelity 1

Mello+ Pop-Up

Mello+ from Signup

Hi-Fidelity Insights & Iterations

Using the insights, I developed high-fidelity designs and scripted user flows for further testing. The main questions guiding the usability tests were related to the user’s account options, experience with the platform, expectations from music apps, and reasons for upgrading.

The final iteration included placing a Mello+ icon in the sign-up flow, allowing users to sign up for premium anytime (thus solving the client needs). Comparing the features during the review process and offering a generous 1-month free trial helped users understand the differences and potentially convert free users to premium.

By implementing these findings and design changes, Mello+ aimed to increase the number of subscribers and enhance user satisfaction with their music streaming experience.

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